Portable Wisdom

Author: Leah Greenberg and Ezra Levin

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Americans' faith in democracy is at a record low

The losers in all this are everyday Americans and our faith in government. From legislative showdowns to government shutdowns, the level of dysfunction is rising, our social and economic problems are getting worse, and our democracy isn’t producing any solutions. Americans’ faith in democracy is at a record low, and why shouldn’t it be? All we’ve seen for years is gridlock or marginal tweaks in the face of economic devastation and a growing climate crisis. And there’s no way out in sight. No wonder people are increasingly turning to the kind of outsider politicians who promise to shake up the system: the system is broken and needs to be shaken up!

From the book We Are Indivisible

— 2019

Our political system is not equipped to deliver solutions

Now, a democracy where it’s nearly impossible to move legislation is bad for everyone. But it’s uniquely bad for progressives. We actually want to change things. We urgently need to change things. Our societal problems – climate change, health care, gun violence, economic and racial inequity – are getting worse every day. Our political system is not equipped to deliver solutions – in fact, it’s equipped to block them. And every election, the gap between what our politicians promise and what they’re able to deliver widens – and faith in our system gets a little weaker.

From the book We Are Indivisible

— 2019

A reactionary conservative party

An unholy alliance between wealthy plutocrats, practitioners of white identity politics, and religious ideologues has produced a reactionary conservative party — and they’re systematically rigging the rules to keep themselves in power.

From the book We Are Indivisible

— 2019

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